Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our LAMb Team In Kyrgyzstan

Although we only had two and half weeks in country this time, I had many opportunities to spend quality time with the LAMb national team.  We were together a total of five times, planning for the future with some training mixed in.   I shared with them a key task and one core principle that we hope they will develop for the kids in Dayspring.

Key task: That they grow, study and learn what it means to be a trauma-competent healing presence in the life of the children of Dayspring. We spent a number of hours talking about what that meant and have a plan of study for them with materials that Ruby will be bringing next week.  They were so tuned in and enthusiastic about learning these new things.

The Core Principle:  Although there are, of course, many principles to be put in placed while dealing with a traumatized child, I asked the group to make this one their theme:  Connect before you correct.  This foundation concept from the work of Dr. Karyn Purvis is key to healing for a traumatized child.  We did several role plays to demonstrate what this means and I told them it would be a skill that would need development.   We will continue communicating with them while home, giving them assignments and discussion.
LAMb staff:  Larisa, Natlia, Madlin, Zuhar, Emma, Acel and baby Emma, of course.
We  were finishing up the renovation list for the Iskra men's home.
With little notice, we also were asked to train a group of social workers from Tokmok.  I was glad to do so and wondered how many of them I would remember. On Wednesday morning, we arrived at one of the government buildings to a room full and I recognized most of them.  One even asked me about how our dog was doing...because way back in the spring of 2008, I had mentioned to them I was concerned about him.  It was fun to reconnect with these folks and share with them some of the new things we have been researching and studying. They asked great questions and asked for more.

Part of the work LAMb does, and we share as part of the team, is training in the area of child welfare.  I really appreciated the opportunity to do that this month.

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