Picture 1: The orphanage director displays the komuz. Two were delivered secretly late this afternoon so the children wouldn't see them until it was time.
Picture 2: Emma Wright created this "work plan". Each name of the six children learning to earn is on the chart and what they did to accomplish each smiley is written there.
Picture 3: We wanted to see who were the children that worked so hard this week for their reward.
Picture 4: Waiting, waiting, waiting!!!
Picture 5: The instruments are on the way
Picture 6: They promised us a concert in the fall.
Just before we left for Kyrgyzstan, my daughter, Kristy, recommended a book to us. When Helping Hurts has transformed my thinking. We are thinking differently in what we are doing, what we are saying, how we are giving and supporting. Are we helping when we "just hand-out?" or are we ultimately hurting another's self –worth? Are we being culturally sensitive or do we believe that the North American way of doing things is always best?
What does this paradigm shift have to do with a 13 year old orphanage youngster and a komuz? As I looked at Janelle that evening she told me about her need, I asked her a question. "Do you want to work for it?" I explained my plan (created on the spot that night J), that it would be so good to "learn to earn." She told me five other children also went to lessons with her and wanted an instrument with which to practice. So we came up with a plan.
The following week, I went to the orphanage director with our "learn to earn" plan and explained it to her. She loved it. Emma Wright, who translated for me and works a lot in this orphanage, created a musical staff whose notes could be filled in with smileys for extra work being done, good school grades, being kind to another child, etc. The six children learning this traditional Kyrgz instrument would only have to "work" for a week and then they would have one – actually two.
Today, the children received their reward. I hope that they feel differently about it because it was something that they earned. It wasn't a hand-out. It really wasn't a gift. It was the result of working hard and reaping the reward of a job well done.