From Lynn and Ruby
We took a large amount of medical supplies to the Baby Hospital on Monday. They were very appreciative and excited to have many of the items. These items are all donated by Med Wish from Ohio. In the previous visit a few days before, the head doctor, Dr. Anara, told us of her desire to train/teach her staff. We told her about our next visitor to join us – a doctor from Atlanta, Georgia who is well-schooled in child abuse. We went over the entire lecture possibilities with Dr. Anara and she was more than ecstatic. We will translate all of the material for the possibilities and she will host a series of lectures for community doctors in the Spring with our visiting doctor from Atlanta. This is amazing.
So in the spring – Series of lectures for the medical staff Series of lectures for police, social workers and other professionals Imagine – one week of intensive professional development to an audience that is both eager and appreciative of having such professional teaching. We are very excited about offering this training week for them.
NEW KITCHEN FOR THE MATERNITY WARD AT THE BABY HOSPITAL: We were asked to renovate the kitchen at the baby hospital – for a small cost of about $400. We have three donors of $100 for the project, so we said START! Valadie, our trusted friend, will oversee the project. This kitchen serves all the maternity ward and is in desperate need of some help. Construction underway – anyone want to donate the last $100? They have no cupboards, no counters – what you see is what they have
We delivered the medical supplies to Dr. Jitsun and she was ecstatic. Again, she is so thankful for our help. She took us on a tour of the intensive care unit and it was quite depressing. She was asking for help. The floor is badly broken and the bathroom in deplorable condition. The one bathroom serves the entire intensive care ward. (see pictures below) Her question: Could we help? She is getting the cost for the floor and we will take Valadie over to estimate repairing/renovating the bathroom to a decent room for them. She wanted us to take pictures to show our sponsors. The hospital serves both adults and children. Another opportunity to serve.
This glimpse at LAMb's journal really gives just a microscoptic look at the overwhelming needs here. If you are interested in sharing specifically with these projects or giving generally to the work of LAMb, please email us or
Thank you for sharing the journey with us. We enter our last week here and much to do. We arrive home on November 1 to another chapter. We plan to return to this, our 2nd home, in mid March.