A Week with Ruby and Lynn
Part of that last week was spent with Lynn and Ruby Johnston, the founders and directors of ILDC, International Leadership and Development Center, a ministry under the umbrella of LAMb International. It was so incredibly exciting to have them with us as we prepared to go home.
We visited the home for invalid men. It was our fourth time there, but their first. They launched the "Cabbage and Potato" Club, as you will see from the pictures. We were excited to see a brighter place. The ministry of John and Julie Wright, and Larissa, who ministers there every week is evident. The spirit of heaviness is gone and the light of God is there. You can see it and feel it!
David and the potatoes for the Cabbage and Potato Club for the home for invalid men.
John Tsai, President of Mercy Foundation helps unload cabbage for the men.
We join the medical staff and some of the men for this photo. The head doctor in the blue coat was so appreciative of the work that has been done at the home as well as the gifts.
Meeting with the Government
Also, during that last week, we all had the opportunity to visit with a number of national government leaders. Ruby and Lynn followed up that initial visit after we left and we are so excited for the doors that are opening to training in child welfare in Kyrgyzstan. More later on that as the details are formalized.
Teaching at the Professional Institute
During the last two weeks there, David has the opportunity to teach an extended seminar to the 2nd year students at the Professional Institute. It was an a very fulfilling experience for him as he met with these dedicated young students. I also had the privilege of teaching three days a week in the English classes. What an incredible joy it was!
David's class of 2nd year students at the Professional Institute.
These are some of my favorite students. I know you are not supposed to have them, but I did. I told them so, but not to tell anyone else! We are staying in touch by email.
The Club of Leaders
David had the privilege of speaking on a number of occasions to this group of fine young people. They formed a group which they call "The Club of Leaders." Our last week there we took them all out to dinner for "shasleeck."
Our Last Night at the Tokmok Orphanage
Our last night with the Tokmok kids was Friday night, September 26th. We arrived about 7:00 with a cake and brownie feast that Ruby Johnston had prepared! The kids sang and danced for us, we all enjoyed the cake...and David and I got a lot of hugs and some tears. John and Julie introduced us to these precious kids and they have become very important to us. Natalia will be working with them on a regular basis to learn English and Altayni, whom you have met earlier on the blog, will be tutoring a number of them to help them with their studies.
We have come to love everyone of these precious kids and pray God's protection and blessing over them.
Melody Turned 6
We heard that Melody was saving a for new bike....and being the grandparents we are at heart, we couldn't resist helping that savings account meet its goal.
I share with most everyone that comes to Kyrgyzstan, that they can't leave until they meet Melody and Davina. Just before we left, we had the awesome privilege of being at her 6th birthday party and it was quite the celebration.
Our last week was so busy connecting with people, these pictures only capture a small bit of what it felt like to say good-bye -----FOR NOW! We told each one would we see them in the spring!