Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Circle of Support Circles the World

Stepping away form what we usually post on our blog, I invite you to visit our adoption blog.  There is an exciting adoptive support idea written by Heather Bench of New Family Tree.  It has been shared across the US and as far as Belarus.   I am so excited about the possiblities.

I wanted to share it here because we have many adoptive families who check out this blog...

Check Heather's awesome plan out at

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another Little One Walks Through the Doors at Dayspring

This is 6 year old Anya.....she just joined the Dayspring family.   To read more about her, please visit the LAMb blog    .....

Much is going on behind the scenes in Kyrygzstan. As we watch form a distance here, it is exciting to see the ministry there grow and touch so many lives.

At the end of March, David and I will travel to Ukraine for the second adoption  conference there...and then he will travel on to Krygyzstan for a couple of weeks.  More details coming.