Last September, a medical team from Alaska visited Kyrgyzstan and the university. They shared about a program, called Hope Alaska, a program caring for the needs of developmentally disabled young adults. The Alaska team shared the vision of coming to Alaska to work and it caught the eye of four of our students. They began to have a dream – Alaska to volunteer for the summer.
Mahabat, Altynai, Eliza and Ulan keep us in suspense - Did they get their visas?
With dreams come potential barriers and these young people had them. We just found out about three weeks ago that they were floundering in the preparation to go. No visas, no clear cut way of financing the plane tickets, no medical tests, etc…the list was lengthy. The biggest barrier was getting the visas in enough time to buy airline tickets at the lowest possible cost this late in the process.
The students’ visas appointments were not scheduled until late next week. Each day the cost of the ticket was going higher and they had to be there no later than June 20. David and I and John and Julie Wright made this a matter of continued prayer asking God’s favor. I won’t go into details, but working through the proper channels, their appointments were miraculously moved up a whole week (which doesn’t happen) . These beautiful young people, with visas in hand are Alaskan bound!
David and I have had all four of them in class. They are young people of incredible integrity, vision and dreams. We wish them Godspeed…
Their journey ours continues....