Henry Blackaby says in Experiencing God “if what you are thinking makes sense to you, it is probably not from God.” He says this in the context of following Him in obedience.
Before we left for Kyrgyzstan, I felt impressed to pack one Bible study book – Experiencing God. I had not studied that book for over six years, but sensed God’s leading in it. I also was able to obtain three copies of it in Russian for use here. We know these months here will be all about experiencing God.
We both know that we will sense His presence, direction, intervention and protection in ways that we have never felt before. As I write this, it is Saturday afternoon. It has been a slow, quiet and reflective day – some homesickness, but we know this is part of experiencing all God has for us here. David and I spent this afternoon talking about our plans here and where we sense God is leading. We will be doing many things together and a few things separately. I couldn’t get him to commit to a woman’s Bible study group.
We are surrounded by people who felt God’s call here to this very broken place. Just this morning we had the opportunity to meet a missionary couple around our age from Missouri. They live out in a village about 30 minutes from us. They are serving as part of an agricultural mission among the Chinese Muslims. We can’t wait to get together to hear their stories of what God has done through them.
The week ahead holds interesting opportunities. Last Friday, we met with Tokmok’s social work specialist, the only one in a town of 80,000. We discussed training opportunities for the future. As we were leaving, she asked us if we would attend a very important commission meeting this next Tuesday on children at risk. Of course we responded, yes. We don’t know exactly what we will be witnessing, but we do understand the media will be there. Another thing she asked before we left was a simple request – would you help me to learn English? Again, of course we responded yes. I plan to get with her this week to schedule a regular time. What an opportunity!
David will be preaching tomorrow at the Temple of God church – primarily a Russian congregation. On Monday, he will be meeting with the mission director of Mercy Foundation lending his support and services as the Foundation develops a summer outreach program to hundreds of children and teens in the area. Later in the week we will go to a cultural awareness class in Bishkek, which is about an hour or so away. We want to learn all we can about the people to whom God has called us.
We appreciate your prayers and emails as the journey continues....
Prayer needs:
Our missing luggage, still not resolved
Our adjustments
Sensitivity to God’s leading as we listen for His direction