Saturday, June 21, 2008

Natalia - Our Translator and Her Important Role

We just got home about an hour ago from dinner with Natalia, her mother and brother. It was wonderful to meet them. I have been thinking alot this week about Natalia, her work and what she means to the ministry here. Actually, without her, not much could happen. It is such a blessing to have such a competent, commited, trustworthy young person with us. I don't want to miss an opportunity to tell her publicly how much she is appreciated.

Natalia, to my left, her mother, her brother, Jenia on Saturday night.

We have been here two months and from the first day, she has stayed right with us. She works hard, loves the kids and goes right in with us to difficult places. I made a mental list of the jobs she has done and the places where her help has been crucial just this week. It is like this most every week!

Here's a short list and this doesn't reflect our entire week :)

On Monday, she translated David's teaching, went with me to translate a meeting with a social worker in Orlovka, went home to work on translation work and came back to help with the ESL class.

On Tuesday, she translated David's teaching. We left there for our social worker training, which lasted three hours. She went home to work on translation, came back to help with the ESL classes and then went with us to the orphanage to help with crafts, etc.

The children absolutely love her. When we go home, part of Natalia's job will be to teach English a number of days a week at this orphange.

On Wednesday, we are at the Red River orphanage observing the incredible work of John and Julie Wright as they distributed shoes and sports clothing to the children. Natalia jumped right in and helped the kids sort out what they wanted. We came back from that to speak at a cell group meeting, which lasted two hours.

Natalia helping some of the children sort out their choices of shoes at the Red River orphanage.

On Thursday, we stopped at a home to pick up a burn victim. A young woman with at least 2nd degree burns on her face, head, chest and arms. She had many infected spots, but Natalia stepped right up to translate for her. It was difficult for me to see, but Natalia did what was needed. The hospital option is so scary, we couldn't get the woman to even consider going there.

On Friday, she helped us get around Bishkek, a huge city and find our way to the cancer hospital. She helped David minister to Pastor Elenya at the cancer hospital and has made numerous calls to check on her for us.

David is praying with Elenya and Natalia translates in the background.

On Saturday, Natalia translated for a counseling session and went home to finish the translation for my training needed by Monday morning.
On Sunday, we start all over again.
I wanted to share this with you to let you know about one very important person to our ministry here. We thank God for her - for her character, her commitment and her care of the people we meet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To have the appropriate translator/ interpreter in these situation is crucial.
There is a service we use for business purposes but can be helpful to some one in need of interpretation services anywhere.
Here's the website: