When we arrived at the invalid home, a lot more than 10 men were waiting for the Wright’s class to begin. Of course, we anticipated that. Julie gathered the men around the desks and began class with an overflow crowd and more coming. The class lesson today was “My name is_________”- how to learn to say that in English. As they worked through their projects, and we joined them, getting to know at least their names, I sensed God telling me a number of things.
Julie shares with the men about their first assignment. Emma, their daughter is translating for her mom. It was great to see and hear her.
I was checking up on my Russian spelling as Sergae was writing "my name is..." in Russian.
First, as we sat with the men and helped them to learn to say “my name is_____” and write it, too, I realized that isn’t about the English, of course I knew that, but was reminded again. It is about relationship. These men live in a place that most are afraid to visit. Their lives are hard, difficult and hopeless. As the LAMb team continues to go in – assisting in renovation projects, setting up art projects, sewing projects and now English, these men are experiencing relationship with people who have come to love them and see them how God sees them. Those who most discard, God has placed in front of us.Lynn and David assist Sergae
As Julie, Emma, Bekah, John, Lynn, David and I worked on trying to know their names, I felt God quietly whisper, “I already do. Tell them that.” Next week, we will .
Bekah helps Anwar.
As we heard the cheering when each one told us their name, and saw the faces of these men, I quietly thanked God for the heart-opening experience today.
Anwar proudly share his name on the "cookie" cell phone.
The English Club at the Invalid's Home
After the Invalid Home – An Orphanage
Later today, the Wrights invited us to join them at one of the small local orphanages.
This small orphanage is one where we have visited many, many times. It is about a ten minute walk from our apartment.
The plan for today was finger painting. I couldn’t stay long due to another mid-afternoon meeting, but I was there long enough to see the children and learn some of their names. I told the director that I had forgotten the feeling of love I had for these children in the busyness of my work back home. It was good to feel it again.
Finger-Painting - A First for All of Them
If you have never finger painted- you would probably listen intensely as well!
Sasha has been in the orphange with his two sisters since February. He was all ears listening to Julie.
It didn't take long to get the idea....
This director is deeply commited to the well-being of the 14 children who live here.
As we were talking, we learned from the director that this orphanage has been without water for three months. Her cries for help went unheeded. What a joy it was to know that due to gifts we have received from friends and brought with us, we could quickly respond. “What do you need to get water back into this orphanage?” we asked. “$100.00," she said. Just think, just for the lack of $100.00 these children and caregivers have been without running water, forced to gather it from nearby houses. On Monday, she will be able to get the plumbing fixed and water running again.
It is good to be here…We were reminded again today that God brings into our lives those He desires us to stop in front of...so that through us He can touch, encourage and heal no matter the age or circumstance. He already knows their names.
1 comment:
Oh, I love this report, Jayne! How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
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