Friday, August 9, 2013

Announcing An Exciting Training Opportunity - Please Pass the Word

Last May, we had the opportunity to meet with many folks at the CAFO Summit as we shared our vision for equipping caregivers to care for wounded, abused and neglected children. Our vision has greatly expanded and we would like to announce a three day training series that will prepare leadership and support staff to train others. This first training is part of our Wounded Children, Hope for Healing series. 

Each year, hundreds of children around the world enter orphanages or foster homes and into the caregiving of people with giving hearts and a desire to help children. However many not equipped for their responsibilities. It is our hope to help equip the caregivers for their challenging role in the life of a wounded child.

In partnership with Christian Alliance for Orphans, (CAFO), LAMb International will be holding a training series with Phase One beginning on February 18-20, 2014 in Dayton, Ohio.  

Here is all the information.  To register for this event, visit  

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