Wednesday, October 21, 2009

From David's Perspective

Greetings to all of you and thank you for checking up on us from time to time! Jayne has done a great job keeping you posted on some of the sights and sounds of the beautiful country and beautiful people.

Many of you shared your resources with us to bring and give as we felt led. Thank you for that and I truly believe you would be pleased to see the joy and appreciation in the faces of those to whom it was given. Everything from coal for a single mom and her three adopted children, to a dinner at the orphanage, to a remodeled kitchen for a baby hospital to tuition for two college students, clothes for children, a food drop for 200 invalid men and so much more. On top of all the above, Jayne has done a lot of training and I have had the opportunity to speak, teach and counsel many people.

Last Sunday, the 18th, we visited brothers and sisters of like mind in the capital city, which included a medical doctor and his family. It was a time of harvest celebration. After the two hour morning meeting, we were gathering our things to leave. I found myself surrounded by many people. The leader of the meeting told me those people wanted me to counsel with them. I worked with each one personally. Over two hours were spent in talking with each one of them individually. It was an incredible experience. Our plans for a Sunday afternoon trip to the mountains were laid down for this ever important time with very special people.

Preparing to celebrate the bounty of this fall's harvest.

David cuts the harvest bread.

This couple were just two of many who stayed two hours after our meeting to talk with David. The emotional, physical and financial needs here are overwhelming.

We will be home November 1 and look forward to seeing each one of you and thanking you for your incredible gifts to the work here. As we close out our brief time here, we will spend this week making plans for our extended return in March. We feel so privileged to be able to work with and walk with the people who have crossed our path.

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