Friday, October 9, 2009

From Orphanages to Families - Family Resource Project of Kyrgyzstan

The Need and Our Vision (read the previous day's blog to see Jenia's story)

“An orphanage is no place for a child to grow up.” That statement by an adoptive father of an internationally adopted child, propels our vision. It is what compels us to offer help, training, and support to the creation of the Family Resource Project of Kyrgyzstan. The goal of the project is to find secure, permanent, safe families for children currently living in orphanages.

Over the next several months, our organization will be working in a pilot project in the region of Kemin, Kyrgyzstan. We began the work last year and will continue in the months and years to come. We are offering training, consultation, support and financial resources to this region as they build the very first family resource (foster care) program in the country.
  • What are the projected financial considerations?
  • Training costs for over 100 hours of training over the next 12 to 15 months

Translation of training materials
Printing of training materials
Materials needed in the training facility
Translators for the training day
Transportation for all participants
Meals for every day of training

  • Financial Support/Reimbursement for Resource Families – we are beginning this project with five families who are trained and prepared to care for traumatized children. The Kemin partners anticipate this number will grow quickly.
  • Financial support for housing needs for resource families – purchase of additional bedding, clothes for foster child and other needs for the child

We are projecting the pilot project budget to be $5,000 over the next 15 months. If you would like to participate in the vision you can contact Lynn and Ruby Johnston at Or us at

Contributions to the Family Resource Project of Kyrgyzstan, can be sent to Kim Gebele, 5886 Craftmore Drive, Huber Heights, Ohio 45424. Checks should be made out to Institute for Human Services with resource family Kyrgyzstan on the memo line.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

In reading all of your blog entries, I am blown away with all that you and the ministry are doing on behalf of orphaned children! What a blessing to know of nationals that are organized and enthusiastic about doing this work! Praise God for all of His benefits!! I got the link today to your blog so I am a bit behind, but so blessed to hear all the news! Blessings and prayers for more fruit that remains!