Friday, January 6, 2012

LAMb Team Spread Around the World

When I think of the exciting things ahead for the LAMb team, it is awesome to see how God has lead us in ministry and work opportunities around the world.  In this coming year, our team members will be in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, possibly Africa and South America.  As the evening closes this night, the Wrights are preparing to leave Kyrygzstan after a whirlwind 8 days of ministering to orphans and widows.  To catch their excitement, visit their blog at

Ruby and Lynn Johnston, our team founders will be making many trips to Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan this spring and also putting together a mission's team for April.  Check out their blog at

This evening, David and I are preparing to leave for a new opportunity - adoption and trauma training in Belarus.  We leave Saturday morning and will spend next week with adoption workers in Minsk.  We covet your prayers. This isn't a trip with ministry focus, but a work/training trip.  However, we strongly desire God's presence to be felt though us and touch lives in ways maybe they don't expect and we can't imagine.

While David and I will be home a tad more in 2012, we will still be very busy in ministry.  David officially joined the staff of The Shelter Community Church as Pastoral Care Minister.   He spends many, many hours a week in counseling and being connected to The Shelter this way is a real blessing. 

In January, we are beginning a brand new project - a pilot research study project with Butler County Children Services and social work students at Wheelock College (on the east coast)  We are excited about the potential and will share more of that later.

In March, we have the opportunity to share in a DVD training video project with CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network.)  Becoming Family: Hope and Healing for the Adoptive and Foster Care Family, is a project dedicated to serving and supporting families caring for children with a history of trauma.  This is an outgrowth of our newest book, Wounded Children, Healing Homes.  The series will also highlight the work of Dr. Karyn Purvis,(The Connected Child) Michael and Amy Monroe, and Dr. Wendy Flowers.  More about that later, as well. 

Also, in late March, we return to Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan for several weeks of ministry.

David and I know that the opportunities we have are gifts from God and we are so deeply thankful and simply desire for Him to place us where He wants to use us.  We also want to thank you for your continued support and encouragement. It is always fun to run into our friends while out and about...May your new year be one of incredible growth in the Lord and exciting adventures.

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